How do we create things?
Many people say it's through our imagination, however this is entirely not the case.
We create things through our memory, which, because pain makes you brain dead, some people have very little of.
It's very difficult to make something from nothing, even the very first inventions were made from raw materials.
The more memory you have, the more successful you are in your career, because you're making new things from that memory.
Sometimes it's by combining things. You see a clock with cats eyes and ask if ours can move that way, a beautiful woman in Bulgaria, and a polka dot dress. "I wonder if in the future there will be technology you can use to look at a woman's body, hands, legs."
Even the philosophy "I wouldn't say fire if there's no fire" was created through a conversation, to put it bluntly, memories of learning language at age 3.
For some reason I think everyone in charge worldwide would call me a Devil for this post, but it is what it is.