I'm 32 years old and I have enough life experience to write. Also I think there's something in my coffee so I have no idea what this will look like.
If a very young person asks what sex is... instead of beating them up... show them how to do a push up. Then ask them to do the push-up. Our brains have to age faster than our bodies, because if our brains can't keep up with our bodies we would have difficulty surviving. They tried to do the push up. They couldn't. They very quickly gave up on this idea. But they kept doing the push ups, trying, anyway.
If a high school student wants sex... tell them to do push ups for 40 minutes in rhythm. BUT there's a catch... if they pause there's an equation which I wrote during my time in college which I lost the paper of. They tried. They quickly gave up on this idea. But they kept doing pushups for extended periods of time.
If a College student wants sex... well... at least they have great arms.